
Are you planning a trip that requires a waterproof duffle bag? Look no further. We stock a wide variety of them. If you are need a waterproof bag, we have them with roll down tops and zippers with storm flaps. We have an economy line and we have top of the line Overboard waterproof bags. The waterproof duffle bag that fits your need is what we want to sell you. Some of our bags are 100% waterproof and some of our bags are waterproof to the zipper. Either one of them serves a different function. The roll down top duffle is made for whitewater rafting or the back of a pick-up truck. It is designed to make a seal that will not let water in. There are other types of these bags that are considered waterproof dry bags. They are vertical in shape rather that horizontal and they have a roll down top. They can be strapped to a motorcycle or put on the deck of a boat. They will keep your items dry in very wet conditions. The horizontal waterproof duffel bags are great for the offshore worker that has to run from the helicopter in the rain. We logo many waterproof bags just for this purpose for major oil companies and drillers. If you need your logo put on one of these bags, you came to the right website. The best waterproof duffle bag for this purpose is the horizontal style. You can pack weeks of clothing for this type of trip and be confident that you have a waterproof travel bag that will meet the conditions.